We advise and represent you in all issues relating to labour contract law both in judicial and out of court proceedings. In the area of labour contract law, advice and representation are often required when terminating employment relationships (redundancies, contract termination agreements, other severance agreements, leave of absence, changes in corporate structure).
We support you in finding an out of court solution and represent you if legal proceedings prove to be unsuccessful. One of our main areas involves advising human resource managers during complex corporate restructuring processes and during the negotiations that are carried out with works councils as part of such processes.
Many of our clients are medium and large sized companies, for some of whom we have provided support for many years. We also provide support with the purchase and sale of companies, with acquisitions and takeovers. Collective labour law is also a major area of our work.
When clarifying matters concerning labour law, other areas of law, such as social security law, tax law and corporate law, are also often affected.
Such situations arise, for example, in cases of accident or illness suffered by employees or when assessing employment relationships in financial services companies such as banks. Thanks to our expertise in these areas of law, we are able to offer you comprehensive legal support in them.
The lawyers responsible: